Thursday 20 February 2014

Beautiful Dreams

Do you ever have one of those moments when you're looking at something that you've seen a thousand times before, and realize that you're really seeing it for the first time?

This morning I was drinking my coffee in bed (don't judge me) when I read the quote printed on the mug I was using. My brother gave me this mug when I graduated from high school (which means I've had it for five years, and even the fact that I have a mug, um, problem (there are too many to count; it challenges the nail polish collection) doesn't excuse my ignorance, as I also have a coffee (umm..) problem and drink three cups a day without a dishwasher so every mug gets used on a regular basis; simple calculations tell me I have used this particular mug at least 500 times) and it boasts the following beautiful quotation:

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Now, I have of course read the quote many times before. I've always thought it lovely and very fitting as a graduation gift. But today was the first time I really read it and felt it truly inspire me.

I'd always been a big dreamer with many plans and aspirations for the future. But I worry that lately I have settled into a rut. I have justified my comfort and lack of ambition to others and myself as saying that I desperately need this time. For the first time in my life, I clock in for about 35 hours a week, and the other 130 hours are mine to do as I please. No two other jobs, no school and studying, just free time. It is glorious to have this time to sleep and socialize and run and write and read. But I have somehow lost all ambition amidst the 9am alarms, lazy afternoons, and late nights. Where did my constant planning, lists of goals, and crazy ideas go? It's time to bring them back.

I have many beautiful dreams, and now I need to start believing in them and putting them into action. I want to:

-Run my next half marathon in an hour and a half, so that I can justifiably call myself a "runner"
-Travel to Peru, San Francisco, Australia, and all the other places, near and far, that I constantly add to my List of Places to Go, so that I can be deemed a "traveler"
-Start a career that allows me to write about something I believe in, so that I can finally be labelled a "writer"

The future belongs to those who dream big and believe in the beauty of those dreams. I dream of being a runner, a traveler, and a writer.

What are some of your beautiful dreams?


Once in a while, I wake up inspired.

It is wonderful to wake up in the morning feeling so peaceful and positive. When this feeling coincides with a day off, suddenly anything seems possible. And when you realize that the rare February sun is shining, opportunities for the day ahead appear endless. Is there anything better than a blue sky Thursday with absolutely nothing to do? Right now, I can't think of a single thing that could top that.

When I wake up with this feeling of pure contentment and exhilaration, there are two things I want to do. I want to run and I want to write. And today, my schedule and the weather not only permitted but also encouraged both.

After a lazy morning of snoozing the alarm and drinking coffee in bed, I walked down to the beach (yes, walked - more on my new home to come soon, I'm sure, as I'm absolutely obsessed with the Kits life and probably won't be able to not brag about it for much longer) for a lovely run along the sunny but windy seawall. (The flow was somewhat interrupted by my incessant need to stop every thirty seconds to take a picture of the breathtaking view (To my new iPhone: I love you, but you're much too possessive! When will you loosen this hold you have over me?), but nevertheless it was exhilarating.) After nipping home for a shower and lunch I ventured out again to settle into one of my favourite coffee shops with a giant mug of steaming tea, my laptop, a slice of sunshine, and hours of free time to just write.

A day sparked by inspiration and clear skies lends itself to endless opportunity. Sometimes the day calls for adventure and excitement, for new experiences, for activities and plans. But sometimes, it calls for alone time and reflection, for comfort, and for appreciation of the little things.

Sometimes I want to just run and write, and today I got to do both. Is there anything better than that?