Oh, life. Just when I think I've got you figured out and
have wrapped my head around you, you throw yet another curveball and I realize
that I don't understand you at all.
The past week has been a whirlwind of emotions and changes
and I'm expecting many people to call me a hypocrite for getting back together
with my boyfriend after all the yapping I did about needing alone time to find
myself. And I would agree with those people - it is quite hypocritical to go
off on a rant about the necessity of being single, and then jump back into a
relationship. But the thing is, sometimes you just have to go with your gut.
Follow your heart. . . Trust your instincts. . . .
Seriously, I truly believe that your intuition will lead you
to the right place, as long as you don't completely lose your head along the
way. The day after I wrote my blog post about finding happiness within before
looking for it from somebody else, my ex boyfriend told me he wanted to get
back together. And at first I really struggled with the decision, because since
the break up I had been consistently telling myself that I needed time alone
before returning to a relationship. My initial reaction was to start making a
list of pros and cons and call a conference amongst my friends to debate the
best move to make. But I resisted, and instead I asked myself what felt right. What were my instincts telling
Obviously, my instincts were telling me not to give up on
this particular relationship. And so I listened to them, and dove back in. What
I'm so thankful for, though, is the necessary relationship between intuition
and reason, and the ability my writing gives me to marry the two effectively.
Had I not written that blog post, I would have still been an emotional wreck
when confronted with this decision, and I may have made the same choice, but it
would have been for different reasons. Writing, thereby sorting through my
thoughts and feelings, put me in a position where I really could trust my
instincts, because I was feeling so secure in myself when it came time for them
to kick into action.
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